Dear Party Supporters,
We are now recruiting coordinators for the Party!
City/Town Coordinators for Partido Kalikasan (PK) can serve two purposes for the Party. In the long-term, it is to build the core group of the Party in forming our basic EcoSystem Chapters and eventually the Bio-Regional Assemblies. In the immediate, it is to build the organizational structure of the Party necessary for to prove our capacity to operate as a national political party. The latter is important as we file our petition for accreditation as a national political party this January 2012.
The coming together of various city/town coordinators into legislative district-level core groups will also form the basis for the local Governance Committees which will be mobilized as the main electoral campaigning machinery in 2012 through 2013 election process.
The target is to recruit coordinators from at least 61 cities and 756 municipalities which represent 50% of all cities and towns all over the country. We currently cover less than 200 cities and towns in 17 provinces nationwide.
In the meantime, we will already be circulating to all our members and supporters the directory if PK City/Town Coordinators to ask everyone interested to sign up.
May I request everyone to please sign up yourselves to the appropriate city/town that you will be accountable for in building Partido Kalikasan.
You can do that in this online excel form: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsKNNw1B4HW0dGxtYXFOT2VUMWZtLS1VajdhU2Y5Q3c.
If you are having difficulty using the online excel form, kindly just email us at partidokalikasan@yahoo.com the following information:
City/Town: ____________
Province: ______________
Full Name (First, MI, Last): __________________
Home Address: _______________________
Mobile Phone: ________________________
Email: __________________________
Occupation: _____________________
Birthday: _________________________
PK National Secretariat
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