The Center for Policy and Executive Development (CPED) of the U.P. National College of Public Administration and Governance (UP-NCPAG) invites everyone to attend its Forum on "Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) and Corruption in the Environment Sector" on Wednesday, 15th December 2010, 1 to 5PM at the Case Room of the UP-NCPAG Building, Diliman Campus, Quezon City. See you all at the REDD+ and Anti-Corruption Forum!
1. Dr. Bernd-Markus Liss - "REDD+ and Governance Issues"
GTZ Principal Advisor
2. Ms. Marlea P. Munez - "REDD+ and Corruption"
Women's Initiatives for Society, Culture and Environment, Inc.
3. Atty. Daniel M. Nicer - "DENR's Anti-Corruption and Integrity Agenda"
Assistant Secretary
Administrative Reforms and Anti-Corruption Measures
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
4. Dr. J. Prospero E. de Vera III - "The Anti-Corruption Agenda of the Aquino Administration"
Professor and Director
Center for Policy and Executive Development, UP-NCPAG
Moderator: Dr. Ebinezer R. Florano
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