This is the blogspot for Environmental Governance (version 2.0) of Prof. Ebinezer R. Florano Ph.D. of the University of the Philippines-National College of Public Administration and Governance. This site chronicles the random thoughts of Prof. Florano on Environmental Governance. Feel free to e-mail him at The original EcoGov blogspot can still be viewed at Thank you very much.

"Environmental Governance" - Definition

"Multi-level interactions (i.e., local, national, international/global) among, but not limited to, three main actors, i.e., state, market, and civil society, which interact with one another, whether in formal and informal ways; in formulating and implementing policies in response to environment-related demands and inputs from the society; bound by rules, procedures, processes, and widely-accepted behavior; for the purpose of attaining environmentally-sustainable development, a.k.a., "green growth."

Conceptualized by Ebinezer R. Florano in Florano (2008), "The Study of Environmental Governance: A Proposal for a Graduate Program in the Philippines." A conference paper read in the EROPA Seminar 2008 with the theme, "Governance in a Triptych: Environment, Migration, Peace and Order," held on 23-25 October 2008 at Traders Hotel in Pasay City, Philippines.

Mga Kandidato ng Kalikasan at Kapaligiran: May Boboto Ba?

Thursday, December 31, 2009


Let us hope and pray that more pro-environment candidates be elected in the coming May 10, 2010 elections!HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Saturday, December 19, 2009


GVGG friends from the UP Samahan Tungo sa Progresibong Administrasyon of the U.P. National College of Public Administration and Governance unfurled the GVGG tarp at the annual UP Diliman Christmas Lantern Parade, 18 December 2009. Free green ribbons were distributed along the way.

On the picture are Jun Giron, Crinezza Mendoza, Chev Salvador, Chucks Arias, Kester de Vera, Nadine Agleron, Kenn de Vera, Janjan Castillo, Marlowe Popes, Mackoy Cortez, Kimpee Panganiban, Marjorie Asidera, and Aiza Namingit.

More pictures above or see us at the GVGG Facebook account.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


The UP Samahan Tungo sa Progresibong Administrasyon (UP-STPA), the launching pad of the "Green Vote, Green Growth" (GVGG) Movement, will join the annual Christmas Lantern Parade of the UP Diliman Campus on December 18, 2009 (Friday). It will be part of the contingent from the U.P. National College of Public Administration and Governance (UP-NCPAG). Free green ribbons and flyers will be distributed along the way. Look for our group carrying the tarpaulin shown above. The parade will start at 3:00 p.m. at the University Avenue. The theme of this lantern parade is: "Kapaskuhan, Kalikasan, Kinabukasan" (which makes it appropriate for the GVGG movement to join the parade).

Thanks to Kimpee Panganiban for the design and Kat Avena for the tarp's reproduction, and ribbon making. Janjan Castillo, UP-STPA president, supervised the preparations for the lantern parade of UP-STPA and the GVGG Movement. Thanks also to Miss Pebbles Sanchez, chair of the NCPAG Student Council, for agreeing to let the GVGG join the NCPAG contingent.

The design above can be downloaded by local chapters for tarpaulin reproduction.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


It’s time to paint Philippine politics green NOW!
Anybody can join * No application forms to fill-up * No fees to pay

1. Join us at our Facebook account, “Green Vote Green Growth.” Refer friends, too.

2. Wear a green ribbon everyday on the left side of your chest starting TODAY until May 10, 2010. Pin/post/paste green ribbons* on your websites, blogspots, Facebook accounts, etc. (write “Green Growth, Green Vote” on your ribbons to distinguish us from political parties with green motif).

3. Organize the “Green Vote, Green Growth” (GVGG) movement in your city, municipality, or province. For coordination purposes, e-mail the officers’ names, and contact addresses and numbers to

4. Do education and information campaigns to gain support from voters. Target the youth and students. Explain the connections between politics and environmentally-sustainable development.

5. Identify, screen, support, and vote for green politicians (from President down to Municipal Councilors) in your localities. E-mail their names, pictures (JPEG format), locality, and reasons why your area chapter has chosen them, to for posting at GVGG’s blogspot and Facebook account.

6. Hold a forum for local candidates in your localities on the topic: “How Green Is Your Candidate?”

7. On April 22, 2009 – EARTH DAY - tie green ribbons around trees, posts, or on gates, doors, windows, cars’etc.

8. Watch out for announcements at and at Facebook account.

*Downloadable at


GREEN GROWTH, GREEN VOTE (GVGG) is a civic non-profit movement that aims to support the candidacies of pro-environment national and local politicians this coming May 10, 2010 elections. GVGG's support cuts across political boundaries.*


A Philippine political system which encourages voters to elect pro-environment politicians into public offices.


1. To educate the general public on the connection of voting for pro-environment politicians who support environmentally-sustainable development or green growth; and
2. To support the candidacies of pro-environment national and local politicians during election periods.


This coming May 10, 2010 elections:

1. To hold fora with national and local politicians on the topic: “How Green Is Your Candidate?” in all cities, municipalities, and provinces in the Philippines; and
2. To mobilize voters to elect pro-environment national and local candidates through the use of ICTs and the simple act of wearing/tying green ribbons. .

(*Note: Please write "Green Vote, Green Growth" on your ribbons to distinguish us from political parties with green motif).